Manufacturing Survey Arrangements (MSA)

The MSA allows you to conduct certain product inspections and tests without the presence of a DNV surveyor.

Certification traditionally starts with approval of the product, manufacturer or workshop, and is followed by a visit from a DNV surveyor to witness inspections and tests in accordance with our classification rules.

A Manufacturer Survey Arrangement can be established when the procedures and processes of a yard’s or a manufacturer’s quality system meet the quality, safety and environmental standard of our DNV rules.

For establishing a MSA, the results of our Manufacturer Product Quality Assessment (MPQA) are taken as guidance to determine the scope and content of the MSA.

An audit is conducted afterwards to:

  • Verify the manufacturer's ability to comply with the scope, requirements and criteria of the MSA
  • Check that production processes, work procedures, quality controls and document handling are implemented as specified in the MSA
  • Ensure that the manufacturer has sufficient understanding of the requirements for the actual products
  • Secure identical evaluation worldwide, as the same criteria for MSAs are applied by our experts worldwide

The audit focuses on product-related issues, i.e. test and control routines, procedures and equipment to be used and acceptance criteria for the products covered by the MSA.

Your MSA with DNV makes quality control processes easier and smoother. Your benefits include:

  • Opportunity to carry out certain tests and product quality control without the presence of a DNV surveyor
  • Annual audits by independent DNV assessors ensuring a high standard of quality
  • Comprehensive support for your quality system
  • Trust and confidence from your customers due to reputable DNV certification