Manufacturer Product Quality Assessment (MPQA)

DNV offers product-focused assessment of your quality control processes.

If you want to benefit from our simplified survey scheme for your marine products, you need to undergo our recognised capability review first.

MPQA is a tool that measures the manufacturer’s ability to control product quality.

In DNV ship classification, MPQA is used to establish:

  • Manufacturing Survey Arrangements (MSA)
  • Shipyard capability evaluations
  • Quality case investigations
  • Type approval surveys and more.

Prior to commencement the scope of the assessment and quality goals for a specific product are defined. Then DNV assigns teams of assessors that cover all relevant competence areas, including qualification, technical knowledge and local expertise.

The MPQA gives a score on how the factors affecting product quality are controlled. It comprises:

  • An overall score for all important production elements, highlighting those that are good and those that show potential for improvement
  • A report to guide the quality improvement process and identify potential production risks

When an MPQA is performed at your sub-suppliers, the MPQA report can serve as a benchmark for the supplier selection process and help to identify risks at your sub-suppliers. If your business routinely delivers materials or products that need to be certified by DNV, the MPQA forms the basis for beneficial survey agreements. When conducted periodically, it can further ensure that quality improvements can be measured continuously.

With DNV’s proven MPQA rating tool you benefit from:

  • Transparent and easy-to-understand results
  • Expert support in defining and monitoring quality goals for specific products
  • Experienced and highly-qualified teams of assessors
  • A support tool to select and monitor your sub-suppliers
  • A basis for special arrangements to reduce external survey efforts