Alternative Product Certification (APC)

Enhance the efficiency of your certification process by using DNV’s alternative procedure for maritime components.

Marine manufacturers face big challenges: their customers are demanding tighter delivery deadlines and optimised costs while expecting dependable quality at all times.

DNV’s Alternative Product Certification scheme (APC) is the ideal way to ensure high product quality and at the same time optimise process costs. Being APC-certified means that you can certify your own products without the presence of one of our DNV surveyors.

For entering an APC agreement, your manufacturing process and the consistent monitoring of the product quality requirements are verified during one yearly audit. This service is performed by highly qualified QMS Lead Auditors with years of experience in manufacturing processes.

APC certification confirms that you have the appropriate processes and quality systems to ensure that your products meet the requirements of our classification rules. As part of APC, we apply our “360plus Analysis” to evaluate the entire value chain, emphasising product-specific requirements such as manufacturing and testing methods.

Your certification process benefits from greater flexibility and efficiency with the advantages offered by DNV’s APC scheme:

  • Opportunity to carry out certain tests and product quality control without the presence of a DNV surveyor
  • Annual audits by independent DNV assessors ensuring a high standard of quality and optimising your quality system
  • Trust and confidence from your customers due to reputable DNV certification