Zarządzanie ryzykiem

Przekształć swoje ryzyko w możliwości poprzez myślenie oparte na ryzyku

All activities of an organization may involve risks. These could negatively impact environmental, safety and societal areas and cause damage to your economic performance and corporate reputation.

Therefore, managing risk effectively helps you perform well in an environment full of uncertainty and build sustainable business performance over time.

Our Risk Management service portfolio is mainly inspired by the most commonly used international standard for Risk Management - ISO 31000. We help you understand the core principles of Risk Management, assess your maturity and gaps, and integrate Risk Management into your management system.

When you have implemented a solid Risk Management platform and a Risk-Based Thinking, you are also better prepared for the transition to the ISO 2015 standards, which has as a requirement to implement a systematic approach to manage risks.

Risk Management maturity

In our 2017 survey on Risk Management we asked respondents from 1563 companies about their awareness and use of Risk Management methodologies and techniques. The survey showed that these methodologies were known and used by a minority, which poses an opportunity for companies that seeks a leadership position in their industry.