Corporate governance at DNV

Building trust in our services, skills and behaviour across the Group is a critical business goal and is clearly reflected in our vision to be ‘a trusted voice to tackle global transformations’.

DNV considers good corporate governance to be fundamental for securing trust in the company and a cornerstone for achieving sustainable value creation in the best interests of DNV’s customers, employees, owner and other stakeholders.

Governance at DNV

DNV Group AS is owned 100% by Det Norske Veritas Holding AS (“DNV Holding”). DNV Holding is a private limited company registered in Norway and is fully owned by Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas. Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas issues a separate annual corporate governance report available on

The group management company of the DNV group of companies is DNV Group AS ("DNV Group" or the "Company"), registered in Norway and governed by the Norwegian Private Limited Liability Companies Act. The Company was established as the group management company for the DNV group of companies ("DNV" or the "group") from September 2013.

DNV Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct provides the framework for what we consider ethical, responsible and sustainable behaviour. It applies to everyone involved in DNV’s business, and along with our purpose, vision and values, provides the foundation of our business ambition and all activities. Our approach is not simply to impose a set of rules, but to deliver a compliance programme that raises awareness by explaining the background and practical implications of ethical conduct and compliance. We also require suppliers to accept our Supplier Code of Conduct

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