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Webinar - TISAX - an introduction to conducting an information security assessment for the automotive industry and an update on VDA requirements

Please join us for an online webinar in English on 5 April 2024 at 10:00 am.

Participants in the webinar will learn what TISAX certification is, how VDA requirements have changed, and how to prepare a system for an information security assessment.


The webinar is intended for those implementing TISAX or interested in implementing TISAX in a company.


 What is TISAX and who it is for

 VDA update requirements

 What the assessment process looks like


10:00 - kick-off of the webinar   

10:45 - Question and answer session   

10:55 - Summary and conclusion of the webinar


Alex Komlev


Experienced Lead Auditor with a demonstrated history of working in the safety industry. Skilled in Business Continuity Management, Information Security and Continuous Improvement. Currently: Global Technical HUB Manager for DNV.

Reservation and registration

Places are limited. The order of registration is decisive.


Other information

Participation in the webinar is free of charge.   

Participants in the webinar will learn what TISAX certification is, how VDA requirements have changed, and how to prepare a system for an information security assessment.


The webinar is intended for those implementing TISAX or interested in implementing TISAX in a company.


 What is TISAX and who it is for

 VDA update requirements

 What the assessment process looks like


10:00 - kick-off of the webinar   

10:45 - Question and answer session   

10:55 - Summary and conclusion of the webinar


Alex Komlev


Experienced Lead Auditor with a demonstrated history of working in the safety industry. Skilled in Business Continuity Management, Information Security and Continuous Improvement. Currently: Global Technical HUB Manager for DNV.

Reservation and registration

Places are limited. The order of registration is decisive.


Other information

Participation in the webinar is free of charge.   

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